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Resolve overpayment via a multi-tiered approach

We use letters, emails, phone calls, on-site staff, and technology to resolve overpayment.

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Features and benefits


Strategic recovery and resolution approach

We offer recovery and resolution for client-identified and Optum-identified overpayments on a first or second pass basis. We use our Credit Balance solution as well as letters, secure emails, technology and reporting to identify all overpayments.

Our recovery web portal is easy to navigate. It allows review and approval of claims and delivers confidential benchmark summaries and ad-hoc reporting.

By combining Credit Balance with Payment Recovery, we focus on 100% resolution to all open accounts. We deliver accurate root-cause information that improves payment accuracy. Our dedicated recovery staff focuses on health care collections with a prevention mindset.

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What makes our Payment Recovery unique?

Combining our on-site staff, portal and standard collection approach reduces administrative and medical costs. We analyze long-standing issues, recommend process improvements and ensure the highest collection rate.

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Payment Recovery results

We average 65% collection rate on placements, compared to the national average of 45.5% for competitors. Clients who deploy the solution have seen up to 40% increase in recoveries.

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Add Payment Recovery to your payment integrity portfolio today.

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