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Take the proactive path to payment integrity.

Create cohesion between internal payment integrity and vendor solutions.

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Features and benefits


Raising the bar

Most payment integrity programs include a mix of internal capabilities and vendor services but can lack a cohesive alignment strategy. Without cohesion, there are challenges to enhancing accuracy pre-payment.

Our best-practice assessments identify medical and administrative cost-saving opportunities across all lines of business. Our financial reporting solution offers transparency into success and roadblocks.

We start by understanding what drives success. Then we assist in setting up a payment integrity office. Our goal is to provide a solid foundation to support:  

  • Operations
  • Vendor management
  • Shared services
  • Analytics lab
  • Innovation
  • Research and development
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What makes our Advisory Services unique?

We perform a proven best-practice assessment. We share knowledge across all stakeholders and align payment integrity solutions to maximize success and improve accuracy pre-payment. Our reporting service is ongoing and allows a full view of savings with targets for improvement.

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Advisory Services results

On average, payment integrity programs result in 2–4% savings on medical spend annually. Our Advisory Services results have reached 8–13%.

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