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Explore how Optum360 can help you do more

  • Successful organizations maintain effective middle revenue cycle operations using solutions that prevent dreaded backlogs, denials and lost revenue. They understand that "good enough" isn't going to sustain a health care organization indefinitely.

  • That's why Optum360 is dedicated to continuous innovation that takes performance beyond expectations. With industry-leading solutions, services and expertise, we deliver meaningful, measurable improvements to provider organizations across the country.



Enable outstanding performance

  • Our CDI and CAC solutions are powered by a natural language processing (NLP) engine with unmatched capabilities. Optum® NLP has been in the market for over 20 years and holds multiple patents. Its sophisticated algorithms deliver superior accuracy for coding and CDI.

  • Clinical intelligence makes us different and drives our technology, including Optum® Enterprise Computer-Assisted Coding (CAC), Optum® CDI 3D and Optum® CAC Professional. Learn how these advanced solutions can help improve your organization's performance.



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